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Heart of Oak

Heart of Oak is an ongoing multi faceted living work which I began in 2008 with the planting of nearly fifty oak trees into two arrangements - Avenue & Ring and Pollard Ring (Go to Heart of Oak in the Public Art section to see the full project).
It took many years for the trees to establish their roots and then grow enough to begin to have a presence. It is only since 2020 that the evolving spaces invited a sonic interaction with them and the broader environment. To date there have been a number of collective free improvisations at Avenue and Ring.

Musicians include:
David Leahy - Double Bass
Lawrence Fletcher - Bass Clarinet
Loz Speyer - Trumpet
Maureen Wollishin - Oboe
Mavernie Cunningham - Voice
Neil Sloman - Tenor and Soprano Saxes
Paul Cheneour - Flutes
Peter Cook - Soprano Sax
Will Glanfield - Alto Clarinet and Sax

Lughnasa 1.jpg
Lughnasa Improvisations 1.8.2024
Lughnasa Improvisation (1) 1.8.24
00:00 / 07:34
Lughnasa Improvisation (2) 1.8.24
00:00 / 03:53
Improvisation 3.8.2022
Improvisation 3.8.22 (extract)
00:00 / 03:42
B Natural Improvisation 9.8.2020
B Natural Improvisation 9.8.20 (extract)
00:00 / 04:27

Will Glanfield  A r t i s t

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