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Happy Accidents
1984 - 2012
Twenty Eight years of music and mayhem!
Playing in the shed. Rehearsing and recording Christmas Carols for a gig at Lenham Hospital.
We Three Kings?
More playing in the shed. Two sets of recordings and a few gigs in Canterbury.
Free Range, Mr Mystery Man, Meatball, Take a Stroll with Me,
Captivating Rhythm, Blue Town,
Ist recording 87/88 released on compact cassette on the Edible Music label. Lots of gigs.
Our first release in 1988
Two recording sessions at Courtfield Sounds Studios in Ashford. Gigging at The Royal Festival Hall Foyer and Bracknell Jazz Festival.
Recording again and gigging in Holland. HorseBridge?
The Blues, Nigel, Hall of Mirrors, Emporer's new Clothes.
Released Phenomenon and more gigging!
Great gig at The Penny Theatre in Canterbury.
Big Softie - Penny Theatre
1988 and 89 lots of gigging around the southeast. A couple of gigs at the Royal Festival Hall Foyer, played at The Bracknell Jazz Festival too.
Two sessions of recording at Courtfield Studios in Ashford in 1988
Around this time Robert Jarvis (trombone) joined in.
1984/5 - 2012
List of albums,
Matthew's podcast
examples of recordings
review of scitatics
The Tales of HoPing
The Emporers New Clothes
A Picture of Dorian Grey
The Balloonofon
The Tune
The Cloud people
Mr C & Mr V???
Radio plays - profoundly grey shirt
Amen Hotep mick and me
Final Stuff????
Early stuff in the shed
Gordons Studio
Early to mid 1990's
Will Glanfield A r t i s t
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