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In Our Hands

Location : Arncott, Oxfordshire

Materials : European Oak

Funding : Cherwell District Council

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In Our Hands

Anglo Saxon runic script spells out the village name on the central backrest. On the other side the village name is carved in modern English using a medieval font. Arncott was recorded in the Doomsday Book.

The carved branches could be seen as the twisting River Ray or the branches of a great oak with associated wildlife, symbolizing  the dynamic interconnectedness of nature. The carvings on the backrests are a selection from a range of creatures and plants within the local landscape that have been present for millenia and are essential as part of the biodiversity needed to sustain a healthy environment.

The carvings highlight specific plants and animals that are either endangered, in serious decline or recovering from threat in the parish of Ambrosden, wherein Arncott sits. How nature fares is largely down to human activity – we must learn to care for it. We ignore or abuse it at our peril.

Many thanks to TVERC for making available information on the flora and fauna of Ambrosden Parish

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Detail of carvings
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Drawings of the endangered plants and animals carved on the seat back.
An interpretation panel inside the nearby village hall explains the ideas contained in the carvings

Will Glanfield  A r t i s t

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