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Leeds General Infirmary

Location : Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, West Yorkshire

Materials : European Oak

Funding : Special Friends of LGI

This was a major commission to create a series of artworks for two areas of the brand new Jubilee Wing of Leeds General Infirmary - the main entrance hall and the cardiology and neurology area on E floor. Having visited the original LGI building, designed by George Gilbert Scott, I was impressed by the cast capitals to the columns that lined the main entrance hall. Each of the capitals was a design celebrating the plant forms of herbs that would have been used in treating ailments in the Victorian period, long before the modern age of synthetic medicines and drugs.

I wanted to bring that connection with nature and the use of plants and herbs for healing into the clinical setting of the modern hospital. The main entrance hall is a welcoming large, open and well lit area. I designed two large wall panels celebrating the native plants traditionally used as medicines. Leeds general Infirmary is well known as a leading heart hospital, and so Heart & Mind, the largest of all the pieces I made, references both neurology and cardiology. The other piece, Healing Herbs, takes a broader view of the healing qualities of our native plants.

Jubilee Wing Main Entrance Hall
Healing Herbs.jpg
Healing Herbs (1.83m x 3.66m)

Healing Herbs celebrates twelve native herbs traditionally used to treat a broad range of health conditions. The central motif is formed by twelve open seeds generating stems which reach out and culminate with leaves and flowers of each of the twelve herbs. The common and Latin names of each herb are carved along each stem.

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Healing Herbs (detail)
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Heart & Mind  (1m x 7.93m)

Heart and Mind relates to the ten native herbs depicted and used in treating Cardiological and Neurological conditions. At the left hand end is a single giant seed, from which a winding stem shoots. Coming off the stem are ten stylised leaves, holding the ten herbs, five used to treat the heart, five to treat the mind. At the tip of the stem a great thistle crown appears, symbolizing the mind. Next to it, two twisting leaves form a stylized heart motif.

Heart detail 1 (snapshot).JPG
Heart & Mind  (detail)
Heart & Mind  (feverfew detail)
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Heart & Mind  (lily of the valley detail)

Due to questionable reasoning both Heart & Mind and Healing Herbs have been dismantled and stored at the LGI. I am currently communicating with the hospital to try to find a new home for them.

Cardiology & Neurology Outpatients Waiting Area

On arriving on E floor from the lift a series of five carved wooden signs direct us towards the Cardiology and Neurology Outpatients Waiting Area. Mounted on the wall just outside is Nucleus.

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Nucleus  (detail)

Inside the waiting room are seven carved panels and six paintings, celebrating and highlighting some seventeen traditional herbs used to treat conditions relating to the heart and mind.

Hawthorn (50% scale).jpg
Lily of the Valley (50% scale).jpg
Lily of the Valley
Hedge Hyssop (50% scale).jpg
Hedge Hyssop
Subtle Body (50% scale).jpg
Subtle Body
Neural Pathways 1 (50% scale).jpg
Pathways I
Neural Pathways 2 (50% scale).jpg
Neural Pathways 2 (detail).jpg
Pathways II (detail)

Will Glanfield  A r t i s t

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