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Monolith Coccolith

Project : Hidden Delights

Location : The Pines Garden, St Margaret's Bay, Kent

I was invited by curator Christine Gist to take part in a group show at the Pines Gardens in St Margaret's bay near Dover in Kent. All the works were to be a temporary response to the setting, with all the works removed after the exhibition ended. Other Invited artists, including Sara Wicks, Paul Goodrick, Stephen Williams and Marigold Hodgkinson, created a range of diverse works. A DVD and booklet were created to record the project

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My response to the site -  Monolith Coccolith made from chalk, gathered from the Pines Gardens

Change is the order of things, on all levels of existence and experience. The Earth, and we, are transforming, in a perpetual state of flux - rotating - vibrating - pulsing. Some of these rhythms can be observed over fractions of a second, some take countless eons.

All living things have their stories - past - present - future.

Countless unknown past lives have been reabsorbed into the great living system of the Earth. They too have been transformed – reconstituted through time and biochemical processes. In many cases they have become part of the very geology of the earth.


A scientific description of chalk:

In England the chalk topographically forms what are known as the 'Downs' in southern and eastern counties. It is exposed in quarries and roadcutting but the best exposures are along the coastlines where Chalk often forms spectacular clifflines, the most famous of which are the 'White Cliffs of Dover.' It is comprised of a sequence of mainly soft, white, very fine-grained extremely pure limestones which are commonly 300-400 m thick. These rocks consist mainly of coccolith biomicrites formed from the skeletal elements of minute planktonic green algae, associated with varing proportions of larger microscopic fragments of bivalves, foraminifera and ostracods. The planktonic coccoliths and many of the foraminifera (the planktonic species) lived floating in the upper levels of the oceans. When they died their skeletons sank to the bottom, combining with the remains of bottom living bivalves, foraminifera and ostracods, to form the main components of the Chalk.

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Monolith Coccolith

Will Glanfield  A r t i s t

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