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Seven Ages

Original Location : Springfield library, Maidstone, Kent

Final Location : Cobtree Manor Park, Maidstone, Kent

Materials : European Oak

Funding : KCC Arts & Libraries

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Seven Ages in its original location outside KCC Springfield Library

Seven Ages engages with aspects of time: continuity and unity, growth and learning, development and change. It makes reference to the cycles and seasons of life in the form of seven 'books', each carved to depict a particular stage in the yearly cycle of plants, but also suggesting different stages of life. Each book might be considered as anthropomorphic, with spines running down their backs, and linked arms or limbs. The sculpture forms an unbroken ring, with a seat placed between the beginning and end of the continuous cycle, a place to dwell and contemplate. The sculpture's polygonal design reflects the shape of Kent County Council's Springfield Library.


Around 2012 A new county library was built at Springfield on another site. The original library was to be demolished for re-development. Thankfully Seven Ages was re-located to another site - the nearby Cobtree Manor Park.

Seven Ages at Cobtree Manor Park

Will Glanfield  A r t i s t

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